If you are having difficulty navigating the web site, click on the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner, this is the drop box that will list the pages and search engine, or you can always call the funeral home, (989)465-1551.
Thank you,
Please use caution when ordering flowers linked to this website. It may appear that the florists that pop-up while searching the funeral home are local, but more often they are not. It is a search engine result. If you wish to order flowers, feel free to contact us. We are willing to provide you with the names of local florists who have the reputation of delivering the flowers timely.
Thank you,
Please use caution when ordering flowers linked to this website. It may appear that the florists that pop-up while searching the funeral home are local, but more often they are not. It is a search engine result. If you wish to order flowers, feel free to contact us. We are willing to provide you with the names of local florists who have the reputation of delivering the flowers timely.